German University in CairoMinister Schavan at the GUCPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of EngineeringPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of Pharmacy & BiotechnologyMinister Schavan at the GUCGizah PyramidsAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of ManagementPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of ManagementAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsDoodle for Google!GUC 2nd Graduation CeremonyDoodle for Google!GUC 2nd Graduation CeremonyBazaarAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsGUC Graduation Ceremony '07Doodle for Google!Photoshoot DayPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of EngineeringH BuildingGolfMinister Schavan at the GUCPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of Pharmacy & BiotechnologyAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsGUC Graduation Ceremony '07GUC Graduation Ceremony '07Inauguration of the 1st Phase of GUC Sports AreaBiochemistry LabComputer Science Staff with StudentsComputer Science GraduatesGUC PergolasBeach SportsGUC LibraryGUC Award of High HonorRed Sea DivingB BuildingFesto LabFesto LabB BuildingC BuildingTerrace Restaurant, Cairo SkylineC BuildingB BuildingMini Sports AreaC Building EntranceIn Front of the C BuildingGUC PergolasRobocup 2009C Area - TopviewGUC EntranceGUC EntranceB Building ParkingH10 Lecture HallH6 Lecture HallH7 Lecture HallRobocup 2009GUC LibraryThe UGUC PergolasFelucca on the NileFestoB BuildingRobocup 2009Inauguration of the GUCImagine CupImagine CupImagine CupImagine CupRobocup 2009Club AreaLecture HallBeachRobocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009German University in CairoMinister Schavan at the GUCPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of EngineeringPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of Pharmacy & BiotechnologyMinister Schavan at the GUCGizah PyramidsAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of ManagementPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of ManagementAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsDoodle for Google!GUC 2nd Graduation CeremonyDoodle for Google!GUC 2nd Graduation CeremonyBazaarAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsGUC Graduation Ceremony '07Doodle for Google!Photoshoot DayPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of EngineeringH BuildingGolfMinister Schavan at the GUCPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of Pharmacy & BiotechnologyAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsGUC Graduation Ceremony '07GUC Graduation Ceremony '07Inauguration of the 1st Phase of GUC Sports AreaBiochemistry LabComputer Science Staff with StudentsComputer Science GraduatesGUC PergolasBeach SportsGUC LibraryGUC Award of High HonorRed Sea DivingB BuildingLabLabB BuildingC BuildingTerrace Restaurant, Cairo SkylineC BuildingB BuildingMini Sports AreaC Building EntranceIn Front of the C BuildingGUC PergolasRobocup 2009C Area - TopviewGUC EntranceGUC EntranceB Building ParkingH10 Lecture HallH6 Lecture HallH7 Lecture HallRobocup 2009GUC LibraryThe UGUC PergolasFelucca on the NileFestoB BuildingRobocup 2009Inauguration of the GUCImagine CupImagine CupImagine CupImagine CupRobocup 2009Club AreaLecture HallBeachRobocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009German University in CairoMinister Schavan at the GUCPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of EngineeringPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of Pharmacy & BiotechnologyMinister Schavan at the GUCGizah PyramidsAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of ManagementPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of ManagementAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsDoodle for Google!GUC 2nd Graduation CeremonyDoodle for Google!GUC 2nd Graduation CeremonyBazaarAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsGUC Graduation Ceremony '07Doodle for Google!Photoshoot DayPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of EngineeringH BuildingGolfMinister Schavan at the GUCPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of Pharmacy & BiotechnologyAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsGUC Graduation Ceremony '07GUC Graduation Ceremony '07Inauguration of the 1st Phase of GUC Sports AreaBiochemistry LabComputer Science Staff with StudentsComputer Science GraduatesGUC PergolasBeach SportsGUC LibraryGUC Award of High HonorRed Sea DivingB BuildingLabLabB BuildingC BuildingTerrace Restaurant, Cairo SkylineC BuildingB BuildingMini Sports AreaC Building EntranceIn Front of the C BuildingGUC PergolasRobocup 2009C Area - TopviewGUC EntranceGUC EntranceB Building ParkingH10 Lecture HallH6 Lecture HallH7 Lecture HallRobocup 2009GUC LibraryThe UGUC PergolasFelucca on the NileFestoB BuildingRobocup 2009Inauguration of the GUCImagine CupImagine CupImagine CupImagine CupRobocup 2009Club AreaLecture HallBeachRobocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009German University in CairoMinister Schavan at the GUCPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of EngineeringPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of Pharmacy & BiotechnologyMinister Schavan at the GUCGizah PyramidsAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of ManagementPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of ManagementAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsDoodle for Google!GUC 2nd Graduation CeremonyDoodle for Google!GUC 2nd Graduation CeremonyBazaarAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsGUC Graduation Ceremony '07Doodle for Google!Photoshoot DayPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of EngineeringH BuildingGolfMinister Schavan at the GUCPhotoshoot Day - Faculty of Pharmacy & BiotechnologyAfrica & Middle East ACM ChampionsGUC Graduation Ceremony '07GUC Graduation Ceremony '07Inauguration of the 1st Phase of GUC Sports AreaBiochemistry LabComputer Science Staff with StudentsComputer Science GraduatesGUC PergolasBeach SportsGUC LibraryGUC Award of High HonorRed Sea DivingB BuildingLabLabB BuildingC BuildingTerrace Restaurant, Cairo SkylineC BuildingB BuildingMini Sports AreaC Building EntranceIn Front of the C BuildingGUC PergolasRobocup 2009C Area - TopviewGUC EntranceGUC EntranceB Building ParkingH10 Lecture HallH6 Lecture HallH7 Lecture HallRobocup 2009GUC LibraryThe UGUC PergolasFelucca on the NileFestoB BuildingRobocup 2009Inauguration of the GUCImagine CupImagine CupImagine CupImagine CupRobocup 2009Club AreaLecture HallBeachRobocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009Robocup 2009


The workshops on constraint logic programming are the annual meeting of the Society of Logic Programming (GLP e.V.) and bring together researchers interested in logic programming, constraint programming, and related areas like databases, artificial intelligence and operations research. Previous workshops have been held in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The technical program of the workshop will include an invited talk, presentations of refereed papers and demo presentations.

Call for papers

Previous Workshops
